component preparation


Component preparation or component assembly is an important component in the electronics industry despite technical progress. There are many electronic components that do not match SMD-Variant are available, but only as wired components such as power resistors and transistors. The professional preparation and handling of wired components are of crucial importance for a high-quality end product!

We have all the necessary machines to cut, bend and / or bead wired components with exact tolerances and identical to each other. Semi or fully automatic component preparation of axial and radial components are also in the shortest possible time, customer-specific or the current standard IPC-A-610 made.

  • Change grid size

  • Change from radial to SMD

  • Beads of components

  • Cutting and bending axial diodes

  • Delta pinning of TO92 legs

  • Spreading of TO92 pins

  • Spreading of TO92 pins

Schedule: In order to find out whether and how the component can be processed, we need a detailed drawing of the actual / target state. Ideally, the data sheet of the component manufacturer.
Wired components can always be taped, stored or delivered loose.

More services: We offer additional services in connection with component preparation. For example, there is the possibility of the component after processing, in one customer-specific carrier tape, to wrap. This can enormously support further processing in the SMT line.